AviClear: the Revolutionary Solution for Acne


the Revolutionary Solution for Acne

AviClear is a revolutionary new acne treatment that has Accutane-like effects without any of the systemic side effects or risks. Acne is the most common skin condition affecting over 50 million Americans each year. Acne can occur during any stage of life whether it be seen in adolescents or even adults. Many acne sufferers have a hard time seeking out safe & effective treatments to get their acne under control. Thankfully to a new breakthrough in technology we are able to provide this experience.


How does AviClear work?

Acne occurs when their is an over production of sebum which causes dead skin cells & debris to get trapped, resulting in an active breakout on the skin’s surface. AviClear uses the power of laser & light technology to downregulate the sebaceous glands in order to eliminate the production of sebum, halting the proliferation of acne and the resulting lesions. This laser treatment provides long term results without the worry that once treatments stop their acne will ricochet.

What to expect during your Avéli treatment?

Here at Shape Aesthetics + Wellness we provide our clients with comfortability by the use of a water soluble topical lidocaine & pronox throughout the procedure. The client will feel a slight rubber band snap & a cooling feature that maintains their skin’s temperature during the procedure. There is no downtime with this treatment & no side effects. You may experience a little redness & inflammation post the procedure as well as a mild purge which is to be expected.

When Will I begin to see the results of my AviClear Procedure?

AviClear recommends a series of 3 treatments spaced about a month apart. In clinical trials 80% of clients saw a 50% improvement in their skin 3 months post their final treatment with even better results as time goes on. Results vary for each client and some patients may need an additional treatment in the future.




Call to book your consultation

SHAPE Aesthetics + Wellness combines whole-body wellness, nutrition and aesthetics to help reveal your best health.

  • (303) 630-9855

  • 15200 E Orchard RdUnit 102 Centennial, CO 80016

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